We have entered a new period of economic and environmental crises. Neo-liberalism has been pronounced dead. What does democracy mean in this context? Does the election of Obama and Rudd represent a new democratic mood? What do the social movements in Latin America signify? Democracy is an ideal in struggles for global justice; it is something in whose name war is waged; it is a code word for capitalism and the market. So does faith in democracy mean blind faith?
We are still taking registrations – please register if you plan to attend, so that we can confirm catering details.
Snack food provided
Venue: Prince Alfred Hotel (PA’s), on Grattan St, near Swanston St
This will provide an introduction to the school and a chance to meet speakers & other participants.
Fully catered
9.00am to 4.00pm Friday, 9.30am to 4.00pm Saturday
Venue: Graduate Centre, 1888 Building
University of Melbourne, Grattan St, near Swanston St
Full program and times available online. Call Lisa on 0418 415 155 for further information.
Rob Sparrow: Deliberative democracy and the ethics of exclusion
Geoff Boucher: Call to Order: On Zizek’s ‘Reinvention of the Category of Emancipatory Terror’ and the Future of the Left
Matthew Sharpe: Hayek and our discontents: what sort of bird is neoliberalism?
Lynda Memery and Lisa Farrance: Co-opting a struggle near you
Jorge Jorquera: Latin America and the dialectics of democracy and revolution
Please note: unfortunately Toula Nicolacopoulos has had to withdraw from the conference due to unforeseen circumstances. However, we trust that you will be as excited as we are about the updated program.
For inquiries: info@hegelsummershool.info
Hegel Summer School is generously supported by the University of Melbourne Graduate School of Research.
Hegel Summer School is an annual conference which provides a left-Hegelian analysis of contemporary political issues and intellectual debates.
Hegel by Hypertext
Hegel Summer Schools 1998-2006
HSS08 Website
Ethical Politics
Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy
Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy
Andy Blunden
Seyla Benhabib
Jean-Philippe Deranty
Rough Theory
· For community sites contact Jorge Jorquera & Camilo Jorquera