The Legacy of Hegel
Hegel's Life time
1770 - 1831: See Biography of Hegel
1802: Hegel drafts System der Sittlichkeit & delivers Jena lectures on Realphilosophie.
1806: Publication of the Phenomenology.
1812 - 1816: Publication of The Science of Logic in three Books.
1815: Congress of Vienna ending Napoleonic Wars
1817 - 1830: Encyclopedia published in successive revisions
1821: Publication of Philosophy of Right.
Hegel dies in 1831
1831 - 1841 is the apogee of "Hegelianism"
Expurgation of Hegelianism 1841
See 1841 on expurgation of Hegelianism
- 1841: Feuerbach' attacks Hegel in Essence of Christianity.
- 1841: Engels joins Feuerbach in "Left Wing".
- 1841: Schelling attacks Hegel with Philosophy of Revelation from the Right.
- 1844: Kierkegaard's Concept of Dread is also directed against Hegel.
Marx & Engels
- 1843-4: Marx's Economic & Philosophical Manuscripts
- 1857: Marx's Grundrisse written
- 1867: Marx's Capital
- 1878-9: Engels' Dialectics of Nature, & AntiDuhring
- 1882: Engels' Socialism, Utopian & Scientific
Marx dies 1883
- 1886: Engels' Ludwig Feuerbach & End of classical German Philosophy
- 1888: Engels publishes Marx's Theses on Feuerbach
Engels dies 1895
Kautsky is leader of world Marxist movement, with Plekhanov, Luxemburg, Bebel, ...
- 1892 Dyde translation of Philosophy of Right, 1910, Baillie translation of Phenomenology English Hegelians.