MSCP Summer School at the University of Melbourne

The Concepts of Activity Theory
10 lectures by Andy Blunden, delivered in Jan/Feb 2015.

The course introduces the concepts of Lev Vygotsky’s Cultural-Historical Psychology and Activity Theory (CHAT).
There is an approximately one-hour video for each lecture, linked below, as well as reading for each lecture.
The PowerPoint summarises the main points and links to the relevant reading material, including extra reading.

PowerPoint Presentation for all 10 workshops.

Introductory: (1) Action, behaviour and consciousness. Reading: Wikipedia of CHAT Concepts.

Introductory: (2) Genetic method; unity and dichotomy. Reading: Wikipedia of CHAT Concepts.

(3) Analysis by units and germ cell. Reading: The Germ Cell and the Unit of Analysis, by Andy Blunden.

(4) Word meaning and artefact-mediated action, dual stimulation. Reading: Thinking and Speech, by Vygotsky, especially Chapter 1.

(5) Perezhivanie and catharsis, social situation of development, disability/compensation. Reading: Word Meaning is Important, by Andy Blunden.

(6) Concepts during childhood. Reading: Vygotsky and the Development of Concepts, by Andy Blunden.

(7) Spontaneous, true and actual concepts; the emotions. Reading: Vygotsky and the Development of Concepts, by Andy Blunden.

(8) Activity: operations, actions and activities. Reading: An Interdisciplinary Concept of Activity, by Andy Blunden.

(9) Object of activity in Leontyev, Engeström and Vygotsky. Reading: Vygotsky and Activity Theory, by Andy Blunden.

(10) Project as unit of social life. Reading: An Interdisciplinary Concept of Activity, by Andy Blunden.